MOG adottato ai sensi del D. Lgs. 231/01

Modello di organizzazione, gestione e controllo, sul presupposto che lo stesso costituisca un valido strumento di sensibilizzazione dei destinatari ad assumere comportamenti corretti e trasparenti, nonché il relativo Codice Etico che definisce i principi etici fondamentali, le regole comportamentali nonché le responsabilità che Sogaerdyn S.p.A. riconosce, rispetta e assume come valori a cui sono tenuti…

Cagliari VIP service

[bsg_slider type=”simple” id=”48″ autoplay=”yes” loop=”yes” show_nav=”no” show_indicators=”yes” interval=”3000″ pause=”yes” hide_title=”no” hide_description=”no”] Cagliari Airport VIP Service, is a new service provided on request by Sogaerdyn GHA with the aim to offer relax, comfort and optimization of the airport procedure. This service is dedicated to assist passengers on departure and on arrival for both scheduled and private…


General Aviation handling is one of the most important missions of our Company. Only dedicated and fully professional emplojers are dedicated to handle flights all the year 24 hours per day from the single piston engine to a B747 or similar. Our goal is to offer this handling service according to Maximum Take Off Weight…


Operations: 24 hours – 365 days a year. Company Frequency: 131.630 Aircraft types handled: up to B747 AN124 (all cargo), A300, B767, B777 Customized IT solutions. 100 diferent airlines handled (per year). 68% airport passengers handled. 67,2% airport aircraft movements


8 Ground Power Unit (different voltage) 2 Air Starter Unit 2 Air Conditioning Unit 8 Passenger Stairs 20 Tow bar (up to AN124/100 all cargo) 40 Baggage trolleys 10 ULD trolleys 6 Cobus for passenger transportation 7 Push Back trucks 10 Electric tractors 2 Water service trucks 3 High Loader 3 Fork Lift tractors 3…